If you are considering cheaper alternatives where companies simply decide handles, cams, keeps and knobs by price alone, you’ll end up with three or four different shades of brass on the same window.
Because we use just one supplier for all of our bespoke furniture, they guarantee that all the individual pieces of furniture on our sash windows will match. Every component will suite together and cam catches, knobs, limit stops, pole eyes and sash lifts (scroll handles) are available in a range of colours to suit your décor.
Our MASTER INSTALLERS are a team of specially training craftsmen, chosen to deliver a quality installation of your Masterframe windows.
“The communication and customer service has been excellent”. - Mrs B – Guildford
"These windows are a premium range but secure, A rated and have a very authentic grained appearance.” - GP – Essex
"The conservation officer had to be told that these sash windows weren't timber!" "They're a perfect match for the old ones and for our period property, but are more secure, retain the heat of the room and look great inside and out.” - Mr D W – Stoke
"We wanted someone we could trust. Having the double guarantee and back up of bygone themselves was the final reassurance we needed but we shouldn't have worried. Will get them back again next year when we can afford some more” - Mr C K - Derbyshire
"The windows are lovely, the service and installation were excellent, and we’re now going to have the rest of them done” - Mrs C. J – Brentwood