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Tonight will see Scotland’s national poet Robert Burns remembered for his life’s work that has been the inspiration for generations of poets and writers.

Burn’s night falls on 25th of January which was Robert Burn’s birthday and Scottish people around the globe hold a celebratory supper in his honour.

Robert Burns died at just 37 on 21st July 1796 and is now regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic Movement.  His most famous poem (and song) Auld Lan Syne is now sung all around the world and especially at Hogmanay.

A typical Burns supper consists of Haggis, ‘Neeps’ and ‘Tatties’ accompanied by wine ale and ‘a wee dram ‘of whiskey.  Traditionally the Address to a Haggis is read, a poem by Burns which includes the memorable line “Great chieftan o the pudding race”.

A short prayer, The Selkirk Grace is read before the meal.

A Some hae meat and canna eat,

And some wad eat that want it,

But we hae meat and we can eat,

And sae the Lord be thankit.

Interestingly, Robert Burns, using a diamond-point pen left behind a series of poems, signature and other writings inscribed upon window panes of inns that he visited. If you walk around the town of Dumfries you will notice the window panes with faint etchings or writing boldly in black pen.  Some are the original works of Robert Burns and others by modern poets paying tribute.

The team at Bygone would like to wish all our Scottish customers a warm and festive Burns Night.

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